Opt-Out Preferences

Opt-out preferences allow individuals to choose not to participate in certain activities, services, or communications, particularly in privacy and marketing. This choice often involves opting out of specific communication types like emails, newsletters, or targeted advertisements.

Opt-Out Preference Document

Last Updated: January 14, 2023

Thank you for engaging with our services. We respect your privacy and want to ensure that you have control over your communication preferences. This document outlines how you can opt out of specific communications or services.

Email Subscriptions:

If you are receiving emails from us and wish to unsubscribe or modify your subscription preferences, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Unsubscribe" Link: In every email communication, we include an "Unsubscribe" link. Click on this link to manage your email subscription preferences.
  2. Contact Us: Alternatively, you can contact our support team at [email protected] and specify your preferences regarding email communications.

Comment Notifications:

If you are receiving comment notifications and wish to opt out, please follow these steps:

  1. Manage Comment Subscriptions: If available, use the comment subscription management feature on our website to adjust your notification preferences.
  2. Contact Us: If you need further assistance or wish to opt out of comment notifications, please reach out to our support team at [email protected].

Other Communications:

For any other types of communications or services, please refer to the specific instructions provided in those communications or contact our support team at [email protected] for assistance.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your opt-out preferences or privacy in general, you can contact us at:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+63) 969-342-3962

Privacy Policy:

For more details on how we handle your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy, available on our website.

Changes to Opt-Out Preferences:

We may update or modify our opt-out preferences process. Any changes will be reflected in this document, so please check back periodically for updates.

Thank you for entrusting us with your information. We are committed to ensuring your experience with our services aligns with your preferences.

This Opt-Out Preference Document is effective as of January 14, 2024.

Introducing Dhon, a seasoned developer excelling in web and mobile app development. Known for creating innovative and user-friendly solutions, Dhon is proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies, ensuring seamless digital experiences.
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